Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Texas The Beautiful Cookbook
Texas The Beautiful Cookbook
Edited by Elizabeth Germaine
Copyright 1989
Portland House
ISBN 0-517-69220-1
This delightful cookbook is probably one of my most favorite now!
I absolutely adore Texas cooking. Especially south-Texas. That delightful comfort food that is mixed with a bit of Mexican flair!
There is a plethora of delicious home cooking recipes that are sure to please every pallette! Hundreds of recipes from a small intimate dinner for two, to a real Texas ranch-style gathering!
Wild game and fish are included!
Desserts suitable for any holiday are sure to make your mouth water!
This book is beautiful enough to place on the coffee table, as well! The photography is simply stunning! And that was my original intent when purchasing this Goodwill find! [I found it at the Covington, Virginia Goodwill for only $1!]
I highly recommend this great find!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Jungle Warfare - A Basic Field Manual for Christians in Sales
Jungle Warfarre
A Basic Field Manual for
Christians in Sales
Christopher A. Cunningham
Copyright 2010
Published by: Thomas Nelson
ISBN 978-1-59555-147-4
I was prepared to find nothing good about this book. After all I am not a salesperson.
I was prepared to find the jungle warfare analogy boring. After all, I am not a soldier.
I was prepared to dislike the book. After all, I had never even heard of the author before.
I wasn't prepared to
[a] find that we are all salepersons!
[b] find that I am a warrior at heart!
[c] find a brother in Christ in the author!
Each day we find ourselves facing the enemy. And this book gives us some straight forward ways of meeting the enemy, facing him head on, and being fully prepared to meet the battle!
This book lays out a simple plan of being prepared so that we are so committed to our Savior that there is no way we can possibly fail!
There is one paragraph that stands out above all others to me, that Cunningham brings to light:
"The fear of the Lord is the reverent knowledge that God is holy. When you realize this sacred truth, you will do anything you can to make sure that your actions, your business plans, and your life all reflect this insight. You will find that you "fear" being outside of God's presence and approval. We must desire to be in Christ when we make decisions so God doesn't have to call our motives into account. God has an exciting plan! So commune with God, obey His simple directions, and commit your plans to Him. Then your plans will succeed."
This simple truth is true no matter what you are attempting to face! Be that as a salesperson, a college or high school student. a housewife, a business executive, a mother, a father, whatever!
Cunningham's plans are distinctive and unique in that they separate us from the plans of the world. Bringing us always to the center of God's Will.
I give this book my five star rating...
...and my thumbs up award!
I highly recommend Jungle Warfare for every home library, and believe it is essential to high school seniors and those in college especially! What a wonderful gift for a young person just starting out in life as an adult!
****DISCLOSURE: A copy of this book was provided by Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program in exchange for review.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Way of Duty - A Woman and Her Family in Revolutionary America
The Way of Duty
A Woman and Her Family In
Revolutionary America
Joy Day Buel and Richard Buel, Jr.
Copyright 1984
W.W.Norton & Company, Inc.
ISBN 0-393-31210-0
The remarkable accounting of Mary Fish from birth to death.
The Buel's accurate description of 18th Century life, and of the telling of this rare woman's life are exceptional, to say the least!
This was a thoroughly enjoyable read.
Mary Fish takes us from 1736, her birth, to 1818 and her death.
The rarity of finding so much information to confirm the life of a woman in America from this era is truly remarkable! And the Buel's tell it with rare form!
From the death of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to that of three spouses, Mary Fish Silliman Noyes Dickinson's life is one that drew strength from her faith in God, and her belief in this great land.
Truly an inspiration, I give this work a five star rating...
...and my thumbs up award!
I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in biographical studies of the 18th century.
DISCLOSURE: This book was a private purchase.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Well-Being for Dummies - Elizabeth Kiball [Editor]
Well-Being for Dummies
Elizabeth Kiball [editor]
Wiley Publishing
Copyright 2010
ISBN: 978-0-470-63896-5
I found Well-Being for Dummies to be a smart, intelligent book, written simply, so as to be well understood by the masses.
This 68-page guide is set up nearly exactly as all of the other "for Dummies" series of books.
There are 4 chapters, with a variety of sub-headings under each. Those chapters are:
Chapter 1: Physical Well-Being: USe It or Lose It
Chapter 2: Mental Well-Being: Keeping Your Wits About You
Chapter 3: Financial Well-Being: Successfully Navigating the Waters
Chapter 4: Social Well-Being: Staying Connected
I found this a short, delight to read. And was quite informative for those preparing for retirement.
I highly recommend this book. It can be obtained free at the Real For Me website or for less than a dollar on Amazon.
All in all I give this book my five star rating
...and my thumbs up award for excellence.
****DISCLOSURE: I received a copy of this book free of charge by registering at the Real For Me website. Registration is open to the public.
Elizabeth Kiball,
Well-Being for Dummies
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Nancy Guthrie
Tyndale House Publishers
Copyright 2010 Nancy Guthrie
ISBN: 978-1-4143-3909-2
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room takes you on an Advent adventure leading up to the celebration of Christmas. This adventure prepares you, and your family, for celebrating the birth of our Savior by making room for Him in your hearts and in the celebrations of the season.
A different reading/ devotional for each of the days through the season is provided with heart-warming themes that are certain to bring your hearts and families home for the holidays.
A must read for every Christian home, and certainly a must for every Christmas, I heartily encourage you to purchase this book for your own home, and to consider it for gift-giving this season!
I give this wonderful book my Five Star rating ...
... and give it my Thumbs Up award!
****DISCLOSURE: A copy of this book was provided by Tyndale Publishers for review.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Only Milo
Only Milo
Barry Smith
Inkwater Press
Copyright 2009 Barry Smith
ISBN 978-1-59299-423-6
Milo wrote a few manuscripts years ago and put them, stacked neatly, in his closet.
At an age when most men are retiring and settling down to a sedate life, Milo's life takes on a new aspect.
Milo becomes a writer.
And he commits the ultimate act in revenge.
Barry Smith is a superb author. I couldn't begin to put the book down and read the entire thing in a single sitting.
Smith writes in a "William Shatner-ish speak" manner. Short, staccato bursts that flavor and enhance for a delicious tale of murder, and more murder!
Serious, but satirical at the same time, Only Milo will have you laughing at moments, and gasping in shock and awe the next!
I give this book five stars...
...and my Thumbs Up Award!
Only Milo was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I highly recommend it.
DISCLOSURE: This book was purchased following a recommendation for review. Well worth the cost!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Claudia Cangilla McAdam
Imagio Catholic Fiction
Sophia Institute Press
Copyright 2009
ISBN 978-1-933184-61-6
Ronnie's Mom is a deeply faithful Catholic mother, raising her daughter alone, following a family tragedy.
Ronnie doesn't understand what all the hullabaloo is about for the upcoming Easter traditions.
But Ronnie is soon to find out.
Awakening in Jerusalem in time to literally witness the last days of Christ, Ronnie isn't sure if she's a 21st Century teen transported back to this historical event, or a Jewish teen delusional about having come from a future place and time!
What Ronnie does know is that she must do everything in her power to stop the senseless killing of the Master.
Witness the last days of Christ as never told before. Through the eyes of a young girl who already knows what the outcome will be.
This eye-opening story is a must for every Christian household. It should be an essential read for every teen.
I found McAdam's writing easy to read, and she has a style that puts you right into the story. You are there!
I give this book five stars...
... and my thumbs up award!
****DISCLOSURE: A copy of this book was provided by Sophia Institute Press for review.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Yarnplay at Home - Handknits for colorful living
Yarnplay at Home -
HANDKNITS for colorful living
Lisa Shobhana Mason
Copyright 2008
North Light Books
ISBN 978-1-60061-005-9
Another great book for the knitters library by Mason!
Again, Mason outdoes nearly every other knitting book of patterns with her wit, easy style, and colorful choices. Her encouragement for the average knitter is just phenomenal, constantly encouraging the knitter [accomplished as well as novice] to push themselves just one step farther and add to the design element.
I simply love the designs in this book, and find myself longing for more yarns so that I can make so many of these!
Twenty-four designs are included in the three categories of: cloths and cozies; bed, bath and baby; and house and home.
Mason includes guides for the novice, and ideas for the acccomplished.
I love Mason's style, and will certainly purchase any new books she may come out with!
I give Yarnplay at Home a five star rating
... and my thumbs up award!
****DISCLOSURE: This book was a private purchase for my own home library.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lisa Shobhana Mason
Copyright 2006
North Light Books
Mason puts together a work that is exciting, fresh and contemporary.
A wonderful work bringing us twenty new projects for the home, wearing and gift-giving.
Included are helps for yarns, needles and hooks as well as designing hints and tips.
I was particularly impressed with the way the artist attempts to draw the reader into adding their own design elements and ideas to each pattern included, allowing the awakening and budding artist in all to reach out and be seen!
I found the patterns precise and easy to follow. Well thought out and with no extraordinary talents or skills required beyond basic knowledge in knitting there is something for everyone in this collection.
I highly recommend this book for the knitter's library.
I give it my five star rating
and my thumbs up award!
***DISCLOSURE: This book was a purchase for my home library.
Lisa Shobhana Mason,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Email Account Hijacked!!!
Please note:
My personal email account has been hijacked and until further notice any emails received by me are fraudlent! Do NOT OPEN!!!
My personal email account has been hijacked and until further notice any emails received by me are fraudlent! Do NOT OPEN!!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Mullah's Storm
The Mullah's Storn
Thomas W. Young
Copyright 2010
G.P.Putnam's Sons
ISBN 978-0-399-15692-2
First I have a confession to make... I am NOT a big fan of military action novels, nor their counterpart in movies. I just don't fantasize about carrying a rugged pack and slinging an M-16 over my shoulder and traipsing through some mountainous dessert terrain or sloshing through a jungle where the enemy lies waiting for my demise at his hands!
But from the very moment I read the description for The Mullah's Storm, I knew I had to read it! Thomas Young is an Air National Guard veteran and knows that of which he writes first hand.
I was gripped by this novel from the word go! When Air Force navigator Michael Parsons and Army interpretor Sgt. Gold are shot down from the skies they are the only two of their mission to survive. Except for a prisoner. A very special prisoner.
Young takes us through terrain we have never seen before, but which we now feel we know like the back of our hand. He leads on a mission that puts us right there in the field with him.
Young's military and technical knowledge are fully apparent in his writing. Yet he doesn't overwhelm the ignorant with so much technical jargon that we become lost and unable to follow. Instead, we feel the terror that grips Parsons and Gold. We feel the mental anguish. We feel the elements as they battle for survival in a brutal land against an even more brutal enemy. We smell the gunpowder, lead, and blood.
There are so few writers today who can transport you into the world of their story. It takes a special talent to do that. Young is just such a talent.
I highly recommend The Mullah's Storm.
I give this book... five star rating and... Thumbs Up award!
****Disclosure: Putnam provided me with a copy of this novel through Library Thing's Early Reviewer program for review.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
On This Day In Christian History
On This Day in Christian History
Robert J. Morgan
Thomas Nelson
Copyright 1997
ISBN 978-0-7852-3189-9
Morgan brings a delight to each calendar day of the year!
Refreshing and insightful short stories of heroes and heroines of Christianity. Most of long, long ago, but there are a few modern heroes thrown in as well.
I especially delighted in stories of John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon and John Wycliffe, to name but a few.
This book is an excellent companion for daily Bible study, home schoolers, family devitionals, and is appropriate for discussion around the dinner table and for all ages. A must for every home library!
I give this book my five star award
as well as...
... my thumbs up award!
***Disclosure: Thomas Nelson provided a copy of this book through their BookSneeze program in exchange for a review.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
by Anne Fortier
Ballantine Books
ISBN 978-0-345-51610-7
This is a well-thought-out book that combines the tragic love story of Shakespeare and the historical drama mixed with fact of Dan Brown and the likes of The Da Vinci Code.
Julie (Guilietta) is descended from the Tolemei family of Siena. Little does she know just how much!
Follow her escape from death through the streets of Siena and through a maze of historical legacy that will make you wonder if curses and love eternal can be real!
Anne Fortier is a master-storyteller, and I am anxious for her to write again!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and give it my five star rating
and my thumbs up award!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Almost Heaven
Almost Heaven
Chris Fabry
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
ISBN +78-1-4143-1957-5
There are books that we enjoy. And books that we read for fun. For pleasure. For information. For inspiration.
And then... there are books destined to change our lives. Books that reach deep down inside of us and change our very core. That touch our heart. That touch our soul. And we are never the same.
Such can easily be said about Almost Heaven.
First, just setting the story in my home state touched a chord in me. So few books are set accurately in the Mountain State! They often portray our simple country people as stupid and ignorant.
But Billy Allman is an exception! Fabry's character is a simple man. A simple man who loves the Lord with all his heart and soul!
Billy Allman could have been my neighbor. Or the man across town. Fabry is so in tune with the people of this state that I could easily put faces with each of his characters!
Billy's story moves from the terrors of his childhood through his struggles as a young man. Heartache and grief like none other, and yet like everyone we have ever known. Fabry gives us a peek into this very special, yet ordinary life, and how it touched those around him.
Billy gives his all to the Lord. Not in money, which he never had, but with his heart and soul. He loves people and offers himself up time and time again.
Is it any wonder that I picked this book up and couldn't put it down until I had finished it?
Almost Heaven gives us a unique insight into the role of the guardian angel as well. Malachi, the warrior angel, is sent to be guardian over Billy. During the one time he is ordered away from his charge, a tragic occurrence happens that forever changes the young boy, Billy.
You'll laugh through the humor found in this book. And you'll cry. Alot. [Keep a box of tissues close by!]
But most important of all, you will find messages of the love of our Lord and Saviour interspersed throughout the entire book. Always giving us hope. Reminding us that no matter what it is, God can forgive and put the past behind us. Always shedding the light of His love for us upon us.
I can give this book nothing less than five stars
and my thumbs up award.
****DISCLOSURE: I received this book from Tyndale House Publishers for review.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Brotherhood of Darkness
Brotherhood of Darkness
By Dr. Stanley Monteith
Copyright 2000
Hearthstone Publishing
ISBN 978-1-57558-063-0
To state I began reading this book with trepidation is putting it lightly.
Fantastical. Even maniacal. These are words that could easily describe this text.
Yet, when one looks at works, such as well-known author, Dan Brown, and others, one is sorely tempted to believe that the words written within Brotherhood of Darkness are not only factual, but the gospel truth.
As the "New World Order" plays out before us daily on the American stage of the political arena, one can easily believe that there is a force at work that is stronger than anything we could ever have imagined. A well layed out plan by a force so dark as to call itself the "light".
Christians will easily recognize this evil, and the doubters will soon come to believe.
Monteith spells out how Masons, Rosicrucions, Knights Templar, Illuminati, and so many other groups have formed the world as we know it today. Always there. Always working in the background.
Always, always building that Nordic "One World Order".
How our very government is controlled by those forces today!
Brotherhood of Darkness is a must read for every American, every Christian, and every concerned citizen of the free world.
While this is not a "fun" read, I give this my five star award
and my
thumbs up!
***Disclosure: This book was a purchase through WND Bookstore.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Someone to Blame
Someone to Blame
C.S. Lakin
copyright 2010
Zondervan Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-310-32739-4
I am going to be frank. Very frank.
Someone to Blame was not starting out to be a book where I was enjoying myself.
The first 9 or 10 chapters seemed too disjointed. There were multiple story lines going on. None of them seemed to have anything in common with the other!
Then wham! Bam!
Lakin brings them all together and the melody fuses with the song. A mighty story is built and told! One that you won't soon forget.
A family endures a tragedy like none other. One son dies. The other dies shortly thereafter. And a family not only grieves, but is riddled with guilt and pain.
A move. And a new community.
Multiple stories of heartache, grief, loneliness and murder are woven together.
In the end... forgiveness, love, and faith are all renewed.
Terri Blackstock writes of Someone to Blame, "As convicting as it is moving..." and nothing could be more correct!
I give this book my five stars
and mythumbs up award!
You can also read more about the book, and purchase a copy direct from the Zondervan website here.
Be sure to get a copy today. This is one story that will be with you for a long time to come!
****Disclosure: Zondervan provided me with a copy of this book for review.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Where Hearts Are Free
Where Hearts Are Free
Golden Keyes Parsons
Copyright 2010
Thomas Nelson
ISBN 978-1-59554-628-9
Bridgette is a young, diminutive girl from a proper, wealthy colonial American family. Her parents desire a good match for her husband, and are determined to see her wed.
Bridgette has other ideas.
The young servant who once lived an elite French life knows a secret. But his indenture has been ended early and he has left to return to his family in the Schuylkill Valley.
Brutality, love, murder, and passion all come together to form a story that will stay with you for a long time.
Yet, hidden throughout, is a strength that is beyond human, a faith that goes unexplained to the secular mind, a peace that passes all understanding.
A country where one can be free from tyranny, a place where religious freedom abounds, a home Where Hearts are Free.
I give this book my five stars rating
and my Thumbs Up Award.
****Disclosure: Thomas Nelson provided a copy of this book for review through their Book Review program, BookSneeze.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Currently Reading...
Where Hearts Are Free
by Golden Keyes Parsons
Thomas Nelson, Inc.~2010
ISBN 978-1-59554-628-9
Be watching for the review of this Darkness in Light novel by an exceptional author!
Trouble The Water
Trouble The Water
by Nicole Seitz
Thomas Nelson Publishing - 2007
ISBN: 978-1-5954-400-1
Author Nicole Seitz...
...writes with such beautiful passion as she tells us the story of Honor, who comes to find real peace in the final days before her passing. But it's the lives she touches along the way, Duchess, Blondell, and her sister Alice, that will never be the same.
This is a story of losing a faith, and finding it once more. Of suicide, passion, hate, remorse, guilt, perversities, and love.
But mostly, of learning to let go and forgive yourself. Releasing the past and finding your new self.
Seitz brings a rich story to great crescendo's, and doesn't let us fall!
Set in the rich South Carolina Gullah community, this is a must read!
I give this one five stars and my Thumbs Up award!
***Disclosure: A copy of this book was provided by the publisher.
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