Monday, December 17, 2012

The Secrets of Mary Bowser by Lois Leveen

The Secrets of Mary Bowser
Lois Leveen
copyright 2012 Lois Leveen
HarperCollins publisher
ISBN 978-0-06-210790-9
A fantastic tale of a young slave girl in Civil War era Richmond, who is freed by her mistress. She is sent north for an education.
Mary then becomes a part of the infamous underground railroad, helping to liberate those less fortunate than herself. But when the Civil War breaks out things are going to change for this heroine.
Based on the life of a real person, and upon real events, The Secrets of Mary Bowser brings home the tragedy that slavery was. And brings to light both black and white individuals who assisted in bringing about freedom for those whom it had been denied for far too long.
I give this book....
...Five Stars and.....

...a big Thumbs Up!
****DISCLOSURE: This book was provided by Amazon Vine in exchange for an independent and non-biased review.