Thursday, November 1, 2012

Beyond Sugar Shock - Connie Bennett

Beyond Sugar Shock
The 6 - Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Get
Slimmer, Sexier & Sweeter
by - Connie Bennett, CHHC, CPC, ACC
Foreward by Joshua Rosenthall, MScEd
Copright 2012 by Connie Bennett
Hay House, Inc.
ISBN 978=1-4019-3189-6
It isn't for me to admit this....however, I feel I must.
This book has been sitting on my shelf for a few months now. Why?
I couldn't face up to my own sugar addiction.
Yep. I am a sugar addict. [Why is it I feel I need to say this in some kind SA [sugar addict] support meeting?]
Hello, my name is Texicanwife, and I am a sugar addict!
I was prepared for a lot of "Blah, blah, blah.... Yackety, yack, yack".
You know what I mean. The same ol' same ol'!
Instead, I got insight. Truth. And honesty.
The reasons "why" we become addicted to the stuff [sugar], and why it's so hard to break the addiction are first and foremost addressed. Then the reasons why we should attempt to break that hold the white stuff has over us.
I was impressed with the many exercises included in the text that assist us in seeing why we are addicted; what triggers our need; and none of it is "sugar coated". Straight to the point.
I found this one of the best health related books I've read in a long while.
I give this book Five Stars and a big Thumbs Up!
****DISCLOSURE: This book was provided by Amazon Vine in exchange for a non-biased and fair review.

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